
Search by Postcode

Find Veloboxes in your postcode

Please enter a valid UK postcode including a space, for example, G2 4TP not G24TP

How it Works

  • Apply to rent a Velobox near you for an affordable annual fee which can be paid annually or monthly.
  • You will receive a unique key to your Velobox and indication of your dedicated bike space for your sole use.
  • The Velobox has a secure locking system: enter the key, turn the lock and use the handle to open the door to the Velobox.
  • Check your bike fits, lock up your bike (It's recommended to use a two point locking system) and securely close and lock the Velobox.
  • The Velobox provides a secure, robust and protective environment to store your bike away.


  • You will be provided with one key, for a deposit of £20.
  • If your key is lost/misplaced please contact the Veloboxes 24/7 contact e-mail to report this on your account.
  • A replacement key can be provided for £20 and a new key will be processed and sent to the address on your account. This may take a few days to arrive.
  • As part of the Key Holder Agreement, keys must not be copied/ given to anyone else. In violation of the terms in the agreement the space will be removed from your account, locks changed and become available to someone else.

Cancellations & Refunds

Refer to the Key Holder Agreement for details or contact the 24/7 VELOBOXES e-mail.

Bike Theft & Insurance

Bike’s are left at the owner’s risk and as advised in the Bike Theft Policy are to be locked up and insured within the Velobox unit.

Report a Problem

The Velobox is maintained regularly throughout the year, however if you see any damage or wish to report a problem, please contact the 24/7 VELOBOXES e-mail to resolve these issues.

Interested in having a VELOBOX near you. Let us know with the form below

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We respect your privacy and will never pass on your details to anybody else.